The Municipal Courts are considered courts of limited jurisdiction, and have responsibility for adjudicating motor vehicle offenses, parking offenses, some criminal offenses (bad check charges, simple assault, and certain harassment offenses), municipal ordinance violations, and certain other offenses, such as weights and measures violations, as well as fish and game violations. Municipal Courts usually only have jurisdiction over cases that occur within the boundaries of the municipality they occurred in.
Municipal Court sessions will now be conducted virtually/remotely to minimize exposure to COVID-19. Accordingly, all complainants, defendants, attorneys, victims are to contact the municipal court via email at or at (201) 843-7642 to provide your full name, e-mail address, and cell phone number within seven days of a court notice.
Honorable Martin P. Geisler
Christine Oravetz, C.M.C.A.
Virginia Pizzanelli, Violation Clerk
When appearing for court sessions, all litigants and members of the public should be aware of the following:
This process may be relaxed or changed to meet the administrative needs of the court.
If you have been issued a summons, and the officer has checked off the ‘court appearance required’ field on the face of the summons, or the personal injury field has been checked off, you must appear in court on the notice to appear date listed on the summons. Further, certain violations are not payable, and will require you to appear before the court. If you are unsure whether you must appear in court or can simply pay your fine, please contact the violations bureau at 201-843-7642.
Some examples of offenses that will require you to appear before the court:
If it is your intention to plead not guilty, you must notify the court seven (7) days prior to the court date listed on the face of your summons (notice to appear). You may plead not guilty by calling the court office or in writing.