The Community Partnership is a group of leaders from local government, schools, churches, emergency services, scouts, businesses and more - dedicated to providing help to township residents in need. If you need help with outside projects, or financial questions, accessing services, parenting, mentoring and tutoring, transportation, food, or just need a visit from time to time, Community Partnership is reaching out to you.
If you have questions or need assistance, fill out the Form below to send a message to our partnership coordinator who will be able to direct you to help. For those of you who don't have the Internet, we have a dedicated HELP phone line - 201-587-2912where you can leave a message for the coordinator and you'll get a response in a timely manner.
Mission Statement:
The Community Partnership Committee will serve as a forum to discuss township issues and provide residents in need, with resources, referrals and guidance to obtain the help they need to improve their quality of life.
Request for Assistance ( click on the image below )
Like to Volunteer ( click on the image below )
Videos about the Saddle Brook Community Partnership Outreach