In 1961, the Woman’s Club of Saddle Brook published A History of Saddle Brook. Although less than twenty pages, it was to serve as a valuable record of our community’s development. Richard M. Onorevole, Esq. served on the Saddle Brook Library Board of Trustees from January to June 1977 as Mayor Kugler’s representative, and from July 1977 to June 1981 as Mayor Kern’s representative. During these years he served as historian. The position existed as an ad hoc function of the library. It was in 1981 that Mayor Raymond Santa Lucia formed a Committee on Community Projects and Activities that a formal society under the leadership of Joyce Larena was initiated. Deborah Majka followed in the early 1990’s. Many descendants of the “old” Saddle Brook families were members; and judging from remaining minutes, many vintage photographs, newspaper articles and some biographical materials were collected.
Jack Wasdyke was first appointed township historian by Mayor Chamberlain in 1997. Initially, the society had few materials; and its first mission was to build a collection as a prerequisite to publishing a comprehensive history. Senior citizens were sought out and interviewed. Captain Glen Toeppert of our police department was helpful in making many old photographs available. Our Library Director, Alma Henderson, the library trustees and staff were highly supportive. Donna DeAngelis of Clark Printing Company donated considerable time and talent in designing the book. This, coupled with ongoing research, has culminated in the publication of Saddle Brook: A Portrait of Our Past. Since history is an ongoing process, the society has plans for future projects that will preserve and record our heritage.
Before Me: Teaching Children About Change is an illustrated childrens' book written by Saddle Brook Historian Jack Wasdyke.
Before Me tells the story of Emma, who after finding a toy truck in her backyard is taken on an adventure; at her local library. Emma discovers that her town has gone through many changes over the years and that everyone she knows (including her dog) will go through changes too. And that is a very good thing!
The book is available through Amazon as a Kindle eBook and as a Paperback. A portion of all proceeds will be donated to children's charities.
A Portrait of our Past
Saddle Brook: A Portrait of Our Past is now available. The book is a 185-page accounting of Saddle Brook from prehistoric times to the present. Chapters about the Native Americans who lived by the river and the early colonists are included. Much of the book is presented in a “then—now” format, and interesting stories from townspeople who lived in Saddle Brook in the first half of the Twentieth Century are included. Photographs of “old” Saddle Brook are included.
Update: May 2024
Copies of Saddle Brook a Portrait of our Past are now available
The cost is $15.00 if picked up in person at the Municipal Complex or by mail by sending $20.00 to:
Peter Lo Dico
Township Clerk
Township of Saddle Brook
55 Mayhill Street
Saddle Brook, NJ 07663
Make checks payable to: "Township of Saddle Brook"
Peter Lo Dico, Historian